Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Conquering Sleepness Nights

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If you have had insomnia for any length of time, you have probably sought answers online, talked to your doctor, and been given advice by your friends and family about overcoming sleepless nights. There are many techniques, diet changes, and solutions available to help you to sleep better, but there is one thing that needs to change before these solutions can get you the results you desire.
That weapon is your mental attitude toward your problem. To get the best outcome, your approach toward your sleepless nights must include a commitment to do whatever is needed to overcome sleeplessness, and a belief that there is a solution to your sleepless nights. By having this attitude, you are ready to move forward to learn techniques, and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle.
There are a lot of factors that can contribute to your lack of sleep. This can include diet, the use of stimulants, stress, too much activity in the evenings and more. Some of these will be easy to change, but you will find some habits very entrenched in your lifestyle, and you may be very reluctant to give them up.
There can be other factors that are either out of your control, or seem to be out of your control when you first consider them. These can include work stress, traffic outside your bedroom, a snoring partner, and an overactive mind.
Some of those more complicated difficulties may be vital to your sleep success, but you could try looking at the "easy to fix" problems like the late afternoon coffee, or buying an eye mask to block out the street lights that shine into your room all night.
You may find that making some simple changes will make a difference, so use that first success to encourage you to keep going. If not, just keep going, you may need to make other changes to make the difference for your particular sleep needs.
Other changes you may need to address could include work stress, an overactive mind, snoring spouse, or changing something that you don't want to change. This could involve having a conversation with a counsellor, or spouse, or learning how to quiet your mind so that you can fall asleep. You may even need to have a stern conversation with yourself about whether you want to get a good sleep, or continue your current lifestyle and struggle to sleep.
By approaching your sleepless nights with the determination that you can, and will, and really want to overcome insomnia, you give yourself the best chance of finding a solution to getting a great nights sleep.
Take the free quiz and find out why you are unable to sleep. Learn how to overcome sleepless nights and wake up refreshed every morning at http://howtocureinsomnia.biz
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Speller

Insomnia Help

Click HERE for Insomnia Help

We all experience a night where we stare at the ceiling or cannot turn off our mind. Transient insomnia is something we experience when we are living with a stressful situation or maybe just a long day. The problem is that if you do not get a good night sleep you may find that it is difficult to concentrate, your hunger may increase, or you may experience more aches and pains.
One of the exercises that you can use is to use imagery along with breathing exercises to help relax and go to sleep. This exercise may also help with people who may be experiencing nightmares as well.
Let's start with the breathing as this is what allows you to increase your oxygen levels and helps you to relax. Take a slow deep breathe imagine filling your lungs from the bottom to top. For women this is not as natural as you thing as we tend to be shallow breathers. Once you have filled your lungs hold it for the slow count of four then slowly exhale to the count of 8. This will also help you to increase the use of your longs. The breath hold allows some of the small airways we do not usually use to open.
The second step is to use imagery. Choose a place you want to be. Personally, I am a warm white beach person or on a flower covered meadow person. You choose an image that suits your personality. Now focus on that image. Image the smell of the air, the temperature of the sun, fell the grass under your feet. The more you can focus on the details the more it will help you to relax.
In my mind I travel to a valley between the mountains. I am lying looking up at the sky watching the clouds pass through the sky. I feel the grass under my hands and between my fingers. I smell the sweet smell of violets and wildflower. I can hear the wind across the pond and rustling in the leaves. The more I concentrate the more relaxed I become. Along with the slow deep breathing I can feel my muscles relax. I allow myself to float along and eventually I drift off to sleep.
This exercise was taught to me when I was in high school as a way to get past my test anxiety. I found that doing this exercise for just three to five minutes really reduces my stress. I use this on nights when I can not turn off my mind to ideas or to my family. It allows me to drift and it helps reduce the number of nightmares I experience.
Sleep is as important to health as healthy eating and exercise only easier. Well sometimes it is not easier. When you have sleep issues it affects every aspects of your life; learning, relationships, energy and overall health. Sometimes it takes a sleep coach to help you sort though what you need to change to achieve a good night sleep every night. If you would like a 15 minute evaluation of your sleep routine or wish to sign up for out quarterly newsletter at http://www.bettersleepcoach.com or write Amy Korn-Reavis at bettersleepcoach@gmail.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Korn-Reavis